Release Date: May 1st, 2012
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce that the Faculty of Geosciences of Utrecht University in the Netherlands will be organizing the 13th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM).
CUPUM Conference 2013
July 2 - 5, 2013
Utrecht University, the Netherlands
The CUPUM International Conference, first held in 1989 in Hong Kong, has been held in many great cities around the world including Oxford (1991), Atlanta (1993), Melbourne (1995), Mumbai (1997), Venice (1999), Honolulu (2001), Sendai (2003), London (2005), Iguassu Falls (2007), Hong Kong (2009), and Calgary-Banff (2011).
Central conference theme: Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development
Please see:
Hope to meet you all in Utrecht, the Netherlands!
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Stan Geertman
Henk Ottens
John Stillwell
Fred Toppen
Central Theme
The central theme of the 13th CUPUM Conference is 'Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development'.
Papers and posters appropriate to this theme are particularly welcome. In addition, the conference welcomes all papers and posters appropriate to one or more of the following topics.
- Agent-based modeling
- Animation
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Cellular Automata
- Computer Aided Design
- Decision Support Systems
- Genetic Algorithms
- GeoDesign
- Geographic Information Systems
- Information Technology & Expert Systems
- Land-use & Transportation modeling
- Planning Support Systems
- Public Participation Systems
- Remote Sensing
- Safety & Health Care Systems
- Simulation
- Social Media and Planning
- Spatial data collection, Analysis, and Visualization
- Spatial statistics
- Urban Management Systems
- Urban Planning & Modeling
More general and specific information about the call for book chapters, conference papers and poster (abstracts) can be found
Other News
About the website
The most important contents can be found on our website, including the call for papers and the important dates, from which a fraction is shown to the left pane of here.
Although the majority of our website is up online, a few sections have not been uploaded yet, as some sections are incomplete, or are pending and awaiting approval.
For instance, the submitting and registration module are later to be installed. As such, we cordially invite you to consult our website so now and then for the latest updates.
For those who are using smartphones or handheld devices, our mobile web view might be a solution as well. If you have a slow connection, this mobile view might come as an alternative as well.
Upcoming Important Deadlines
Via inside information you might have heard the first call of papers has ended on April 30th. The next deadlines for 2012 are as follows:
• September: Second call for papers
• October 15th: Deadline for book chapters
• November 30th: Note of acceptance/rejection
• December 15th: Deadline for conference papers
More deadlines can be found here.